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Train schedule from Hue city

Train schedule from Hue city to Ha Noi, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Binh Thuan, Ho Chi Minh

Train Hue – Ha Noi

Train name Departure Arrival Price (US$/person)
A/C soft seat A/C hard berth A/C soft berth
SE6 05.39 am 19.58 30 44 50
SE2 15.31 04.50 am +1day
SE4 16.47 05.30 am +1day
SE20 21.33 12.33 + 1day


Train Hue – Da Nang

Train name Departure Arrival Price (US$/person)
A/C soft seat A/C hard berth A/C soft berth
SE21 06.40 am 09.20 am 8 11 13
SE1 08.56 am 11.26 am
SE19 09.50 am 12.20
SE3 10.35 am 13.00
SE7 19.55 22.25
SE5 22.50 01.28 am +1day


Train Hue – Nha Trang

Train name Departure Arrival Price (US$/person)
A/C soft seat A/C hard berth A/C soft berth
SE21 06.40 am 20.26 29 37 41
SE1 08.56 am 21.14
SE3 10.35 am 22.04
SE7 19.55 08.27am +1day
SE5 22.50 11.36am +1day


Train Hue – Binh Thuan

Train name Departure Arrival Price (US$/person)
A/C soft seat A/C hard berth A/C soft berth
SE7 19.55 12.33 +1day 36 46 51
SE5 22.50 16.14 +1day


Train Hue – Ho Chi Minh

Train name Departure Arrival Price (US$/person)
A/C soft seat A/C hard berth A/C soft berth
SE21 06.40 am 05.50 am +1day 41 59 66
SE1 08.56 am 04.39 am +1day
SE3 10.35 am 05.20 am +1day
SE7 19.55 16.05 + 1day
SE5 22.50 20.03 +1day


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